Mr Money Maker

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Boxing Day used to be the day for long walks, for some, watching the local hunt charge off into the hedgerows, for others a football match or the sales. Luck phrases sayings.

It's a flight of fancy for most of us these days and especially this year. So as 2020 draws to a close, Boxing Day may involve doing some credible impersonations of sloths dozing on the sofa.

But what does this have to do with your investments? A lot. Not only may it be a good time to review your holdings, but also to remind yourself to leave your well constructed portfolio alone, so it can continue to do its work while you are still in a somnolent state.

© Provided by This Is Money Not only may it be a good time to review your holdings, but also to remind yourself to leave your well constructed portfolio alone

Why Does It Matter?

Every week we seem to be bombarded by yet another investment fashion fad or top tip. And yes, I plead guilty to being part of this as well as making errors of my own.

There are many mistakes and bear traps with investment, but two that I have made are firstly not investing and thus missing out, and secondly, fiddling too much with my investments.

The first is easy to achieve as doing nothing means that you are considering your ideas, or rather, you are not confident enough to do anything.

Money Maker Song

Gallery: Financial lessons we can learn from classic board games (Lovemoney)

The second point though, is one that my industry will rarely emphasise – once you have made your decision, then leave it. If you are a fanatical day trader then you will be of a nervous disposition and probably have already acquired a twitch.

All you achieve by constantly chopping and changing is to benefit your broker or platform provider with transaction fees. Slow cooking makes for beautiful food, slow investment makes for longer-term wealth.

What Should I Do?

Once you have decided upon your financial goals, your portfolio is there to fulfil them over a timescale you think suitable – hopefully a long one.

Now we search for those companies and funds likely to achieve your aims, and despite what the scary headlines would show you, this does not have to be a lottery win or a bet on a one-armed bandit.

Any Suggestions?

I like to have something steady which will allow me to snooze peacefully during my locked down Boxing Day.

Where do I find this? I have always been a fan of Investment Trusts, but prefer those which operate with a reputation for consistency in terms of performance and income and at a low cost.

In fact you can have quite a choice, as there are three investment trusts that you buy just like ordinary shares, but which have had a long track record of rising dividends.

City of London, Bankers and Alliance have lead the way and increased their dividends for a staggering 52 consecutive years. X change game online. Now that is a good example of financial consistency for any aspiring sloth like me.

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Mr Money Maker

Mr Money Enemy

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What's Happening?

There is a theme which I have followed for some years and it is showing no signs of stopping. It is the rise of the oriental consumer.

For we occidentals, the Far East is often seen as a luxurious holiday destination providing skinflints like me with the opportunity to buy excellent fake handbags.

These usually look impressive until examined by one's partner, who smells a rat. Wow guild bonuses.

© Provided by This Is Money Investing opportunity: The balance of global wealth has already started to change

Why Does It Matter?

The pandemic, as we know, emanated from China and spread rapidly throughout the region. However, having had previous experience of similar outbreaks such as SARS and MERS, the organisational efficiency of many eastern states was a wonder to watch.

This meant that the disciplines of mask wearing and social control were far more acceptable and understandable to the local populations, in stark contrast to the cynical attitudes by many in the West who subsequently paid the price in being affected more heavily.

What this meant was that although all the economies in the ASEAN region were affected, many took the discipline in their stride.

Both global trade and their wider economies took a hit, but domestic consumer demand was not bashed in the same way, although those involved in the tourism industry were devastated.

What Should I Do?

There are two things to note here. First, the growing strength and wealth of this region's middle class (including some of my family, I must disclose), and second, that with the line of vaccines seeming to be growing, tourism will return and those empty sites will fill up.

The balance of global wealth has already started to change, and not just because of China.

Singapore has been growing as a very effective financial hub for several decades. Now, with increasing compliance controls in the US and UK, greater attention into what goes into the vaults of Switzerland, and the Chinese wishing to move funds offshore and beyond Hong Kong, this city state is seeing far greater inflows of investment.

For the confident, although this is not to do with making money but rather saving on holiday costs, booking a trip now could prove very beneficial.


Mr Money Enemy

© Provided by This Is Money MailOnline logo

What's Happening?

There is a theme which I have followed for some years and it is showing no signs of stopping. It is the rise of the oriental consumer.

For we occidentals, the Far East is often seen as a luxurious holiday destination providing skinflints like me with the opportunity to buy excellent fake handbags.

These usually look impressive until examined by one's partner, who smells a rat. Wow guild bonuses.

© Provided by This Is Money Investing opportunity: The balance of global wealth has already started to change

Why Does It Matter?

The pandemic, as we know, emanated from China and spread rapidly throughout the region. However, having had previous experience of similar outbreaks such as SARS and MERS, the organisational efficiency of many eastern states was a wonder to watch.

This meant that the disciplines of mask wearing and social control were far more acceptable and understandable to the local populations, in stark contrast to the cynical attitudes by many in the West who subsequently paid the price in being affected more heavily.

What this meant was that although all the economies in the ASEAN region were affected, many took the discipline in their stride.

Both global trade and their wider economies took a hit, but domestic consumer demand was not bashed in the same way, although those involved in the tourism industry were devastated.

What Should I Do?

There are two things to note here. First, the growing strength and wealth of this region's middle class (including some of my family, I must disclose), and second, that with the line of vaccines seeming to be growing, tourism will return and those empty sites will fill up.

The balance of global wealth has already started to change, and not just because of China.

Singapore has been growing as a very effective financial hub for several decades. Now, with increasing compliance controls in the US and UK, greater attention into what goes into the vaults of Switzerland, and the Chinese wishing to move funds offshore and beyond Hong Kong, this city state is seeing far greater inflows of investment.

For the confident, although this is not to do with making money but rather saving on holiday costs, booking a trip now could prove very beneficial.

Any Suggestions?

Best Online Money Makers

Picking stocks in Asia is a mug's game at this distance. You either find a good fund manager or a good value ETF to track the indices you want.

For an active manager I like Stewart (no relation) Investors' Asia Pacific Leaders Sustainability fund for proven performance and consistency.

However for a greater spread of risk and less cost, the Global X FTSE South East Asia ETF gives good exposure to the leading ASEAN nations.

Justin Urquhart Stewart co-founded fund manager 7IM and is chairman of investment platform Regionally

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